Welcome to my First Blog Post!
Well, the website is done, copious amounts of tea have been drunk, and my awe of techie people who create websites as simply as a witch-like snap of their fingers, has grown immensely. This blog is going to be a place where I can share my writing journey, the ups (you know, the ones with the amazing mountaintop views), the downs (those depressing days where I get five rejections, my words come out like brain-farts, and I can’t, for the life of me, see my way out of the plot hole I’ve just dug for myself), and all the bits in-between. Hopefully, in detailing what I did and didn't do, others can avoid those holes I dived into, or copy anything that turned out okay. Writing can be lonely at times, but blogs are where I’ve found a community. We help each other. That can mean a lot these days.